I live here.
I have a business here.
I have children who are growing up here.
I left Milford as soon as humanly possible.
I moved to South Florida for 8 years, where admittedly, I might as well have been Amish.
But I adjusted. And I learned things. And discovered what else was out there.
I also discovered some men, Stuart Weitzman & Christian Louboutin, but that is another topic entirely.
Coming back here with a new perspective changed everything for me.
What I once thought was useless and boring now had tremendous potential.
I can now appreciate how valuable a historic downtown setting can be for a community.
I would like to take you on a little tour, from time to time,
so you can all see what might be special about what is right in front of you.
Easily, the most recognizable and well-known business in town.
Lou's Bootery has been here forever.
In case you didn't believe me when I said forever.
They still have the historic shoes to prove it.
I'm pretty sure my mom was fitted for her first shoes here.
And there's Skip.
This was not a pose.
This is actually what takes place multiple times a day from the corner of Walnut and Front Street.
I swear he knows every single resident (and their shoe size).
They have managed to stay in business for 60 years, through economic ups and downs.
And through the ups and downs of our downtown district.
Your hometown is like your family.
Some days (or years) you can't wait to get away from it.
But there really is no place like home.
Take a second look at yours and come visit ours.
We would love to have you!
Skip will wave, I promise.
Very cool photos! Great idea!