Thursday, November 10, 2011


Just thought I would share what working from home looks like.

My computer is on the back of the couch because it seemed easier to just work from there rather than the table I guess?

So far today I have:

Cheered for a one hour school delay, dressed, fed, and packed lunches for 2 of 3 children, taken said children to school, drove back home, worked on customer orders/follow up, cleaned up the house, cleaned the bathroom, negotiated with a four-year-old that if he insisted on wearing shorts he was going to at least have to wear long sleeves, worked some more on volunteer ballet requests, started making muffins, did a load of laundry, packed my daughter's ballet bag for tonight, was on Pinterest, oh I don't know, at least 12 times, forgot I was making muffins and working on volunteer stuff, realized it was getting late and finished the muffins (since I am working the children into a post-Halloween detox), boiled eggs (for the same detox), sat down to eat my lunch, noticed again how late it was getting, took a picture of my food and computer, wrote a blog post, and am now headed to the shower and then to pick my daughter up at 3:10 to take her an hour and 15 min each way to her ballet class (don't ask but just know we are very happy and crazy), take my own ballet class after that (really and for real) so that I can attempt to fulfill my latest volunteer request. Misty, please know how much I love you.

I don't normally do run-on sentences.
Seemed fitting for today.

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