Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stretch Marks and Growing Pains

I often talk about the things I find that I fall in love with. I tell you what it is I love about the item, or company, or whatever, and then I tell you where I found it so you can go find it too. 

It just so happens that I also have three little people who I love very much and would like to share with you today. They changed my body. They changed my life. They permanently altered my perspective. They also permanently altered my living room.  If you are considering 3 kids within 4 years, call me first. 

Opening the store was a BIG change for them. I went from working when I "felt" like it, designing rooms and nurseries, to working more than full time. They went from having a mom who kept their home spotless and meals warm and blankies sewn, to a mom working around the clock to fulfill a dream that had been brewing for years and years. Shockingly, they were not concerned about my dream, and I heard about it. A lot. 

But now, a year and some later, they are settled in, and actually get excited about what I do!  Even the little guy has taken to carrying around a "golden key" that he says is for mommy's store. They are an integral part of what I do - from giving advice on what you do or don't actually need to buy for your nursery, to assuring customers it's okay to design a home that is meant to be lived in.

And if you wander in, you're likely to meet them. Or at least one of them. Or at the very least, evidence. The lesson I have had to learn is that growing pains means you're growing. Isn't that why my mom made me eat my vegetables?

Special thank you to Julie Weaver for the photographs of the boys - just beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. absolutely beautiful pics of the kids... i wanna see more :)
